Why skills-based practices are essential to talent management in financial services

The topic of skills is in the spotlight like never before in financial services.

Of the numerous operational risks currently concerning financial service leaders, a disproportionate number are related to skills:

  • Skills shortages - 3% of roles in financial services are unfilled.
  • Changing skills requirements - 73% of financial services jobs are now classified as highly-skilled, up from 52% 20 years ago.
  • The need for a sustainable workforce - the industry is failing to keep pace with changing skills needs, with 160,000 workers (16% of the workforce) currently requiring upskilling.
  • Employee retention - by 2035, 260,000 highly-skilled people are likely to leave financial services due to retirement and attrition.

Download this guide to learn how skills-based practices are solving financial services' talent management problems.

Download the report to learn:

How a skills-based approach enables organizations to build a more adaptable & resilient workforce.
The benefits of taking a skills-based approach, & how they span the entire talent lifecycle.
Why the FSSC CEO has called on financial services firms to focus on employee development to foster sustainable talent pipelines.
How skills-based organizations can identify potential skills shortages & address them through training, talent mobility or hiring.